Xbox series s

I consider myself to be more than just a casual gamer. When the Xbox series X was available I tried to buy one and could not. Due to manufacturing and Chip manufacturing problems do to Covid I was unable to obtain one. Unless I was willing to pay over $1,000 from eBay from scalpers. I held off for a year until finally I gave in and bought the series s.

Now the series s was a console made for the casual gamer supposingly 1440p 60 frames per second and only 300 dollars. Now coming from a Xbox One X 4K most games at 30 frames per second I can tell you the series s is a welcome addition. It is very hard for me to tell the difference between my Xbox One X and my Xbox series s considering I said 10 ft from my 65 in TV.

So why should you buy a series s if you can’t get an Xbox series X I’m going to tell you that the auto HDR and the FPS boost and load times fort Worth you buying a series s. I did not think that the quick resume the load times would make such a difference but once you experience that you cannot go back.

I find myself replaying a lot of games like Skyrim, Witcher 3, borderlands, and fallout 4. Experiencing these games in a way I have never before the shadows the lighting the textures the quick load times the fast travel times are in seconds not minutes. I think anybody coming from a Xbox One X will be very happy with the Xbox series s and certainly happy with the Xbox series X if you can get one.

The only problem with the Xbox series s is a small internal hard drive I was able to secure the two terabyte expansion drive and I bought a cruiser 2 TB SSD external hard drive. I have no problem existing with the series s until July or even the end of the year because there are no games right now that are pushing my Xbox series s to its limits.

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What we’re doing too the kids is crazy

The CDC now admits what we have all known for a while that mask and vaccines do not work for adults. 1 in 1 million kid is going to get severely sick from covid. They’re more likely to get sick and die from the flu meningitis mumps and measles. The only reason why we are forcing them to wear a mask is because the teachers and the teacher unions deem it necessary.

The teachers and the teacher unions have way too much control over what they are teaching our kids and how they are teaching our kids. I feel sorry for any parent who has their kid in school today thank God my kids are all grown up and graduated.

It’s absolutely insanity and hurting our kids and putting them further behind. Now they’re doing away with sat and scores and just giving pass or fail grades. Pushing our kids through even though they cannot read or write. We are falling behind compared to the rest of the world and these kids are our future.

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This is the way my conversations go lately.

Here is a little background I live in a over 55 or disabled community in New York. Which means that most these people are liberals or Democrats. My conversations always go like this with my neighbors.

I’m sitting outside listening to Hannity on the radio the women I made a hose setup for says Trump’s destroyng the country. So I said are you listening to CNN or MSNBC like my mother all day ?

How is he destroying the country according to you ? She cited the whole immigration thing, How he’s making us look bad in foreign countries. How he’s going to start a war and ruined Palestinian chances to have a state. He and Putin ruined hilarys election ! He said imigration ruined England and France and said Prime Minister May isint doing brexit right.

He wants to take away healthcare for people with pre-existing conditions like me and you. Then she said he’s trying to obstruct the investigation into Russia. She said yada yada yada all the MSN-MSNBC-CBS TALKING POINTS SHE SPEWED ! Without actually knowing any real news or history ! she just kept saying the same line over and over.

I said the stock market’s doing the best it’s ever done 4 trillion in growth. You have a 401k and investment’s what do you think your account would look like under Hillary ? I proceeded to say this to her in this order.

We’ve got 4% growth and that’s great for social security and SSI even healthcare. He cut FDA trial times and regulations making drugs cheaper and quicker to get. Income and GDP growth is good for everybody all the government programs live off that !

The Democrats in control of 14 cities have the most dangerous, dirty, faeces on streets, The most homeless, The most crime, The most murders, The most unemployment so what are they doing with all that Money and why aren’t there liberal policies working ?.

We’ve got more jobs than we have people in the United States since a long time.

He gathered 400 billion dollars in trade deals going in our way. Yes things might get a little more expensive in the short-term but in the long term It Means Jobs and more money for us. Ill pay more for my TV if it means jobs and factorys here instead of China.

He raised 50 billion dollars more for the UN by making country’s pay more ! Putin doesn’t want a stronger UN He wants a weaker UN Military and for them to have problems financially.

Theresa May the Prime Minister of England is doing a bad job she’s about to lose her job and her government.

You ask anyone who lived in England or France from the 1930s or 60s before the liberal parties. They don’t even recognize their countries anymore ! The culture has changed drastically and the laws now protect immigrants more than native citizens. There is Sharia law and Minnie Iraq’s and Syria’s all over the European Union. Where the police won’t even go and there are government sanctioned Sharia Law Courts. The crime rate murders and drug use has all gone up in these countries.

As far as immigration goes we dont have any decent immigration laws. If you wanted to keep the families together democrats should have just kept them together and put them on a bus in 2008 and ship them out of the country imeadiatly. But the Republicans couldn’t get one single Democratic vote on changing laws.

As far as a Palestinian State goes they never had a country they never had a state. Historically they are a people in the Mid East. Israel is in their Historically bibled Homeland. Jerusalem was recognized as the capital of Israel for the last 20 + years accept no president had the balls to finally move the embassy.

As far as China and Russia go the old saying keep your friends close but your enemies even closer you have to make friends with them no matter what and keep a watch on them and that’s what he’s doing.

Trump should have never been named in the investigation and the Attorney General should have said that. He was investigating Russia and operatives into trying to change the election or screw with the election. But there was never any collusion and it should have never been a fisa warrant. The Democrats should have been investigated for collusion !

A warrant for Hillary’s arrest should have happened after the email scandal except Comey put the fix in changing terms to avoid prosecution. Whitewater , Ken Starr, impeachment, China gate, e-mail, Benghazi, there’s more crooked shit on Hillary than any one woman in any government. If she was to be prosecuted for her crimes she would get life in prison.

I wish a lot of people would learn about the history of the Democratic Party in slavery and embezzlement in Monopoly or how they prevented civil rights from reaching the South for decades.

I wish those liberals and Democrats would also learn about Planned Parenthood and its history in the US thier involvement in genocide and getting rid of the imbecile from our country. She talked about inferior stupid people ! She meant the blacks in the world and its in her words ! Read some of her speeches she is as bad as Hitler was. Yet the Democrats and liberals won’t even change the name of the company she founded. But they’ll take down Thomas Jefferson or Andrew Jackson because they owned slaves.

God bless us all and thank God for the u.s. !

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